香草慕斯水果卷 【卷起後:長30cm】 《夏日水果》 奇異果2顆、小草莓12顆、芒果1顆(手掌大小) 【切成條狀,或者規則形狀】 水果的選擇要搭配慕斯的甜度,在切水果的同時記得『偷吃』是很重要的步驟!才能調整接下來慕斯入砂糖要多少。水果的顏色也是重點,英國熱帶水果種類少,...
Chocolate Éclairs
Hard to resist super girly french style pastry. Tool You Should Prepared Plain nozzle 15mm, Plain nozzle 5mm, Yule Log nozzle10mm,...
Baked Potato with Tartar
Making a cuisine for one is as easy as using the microwave to cook. Healthy and Nutrient to your family and yourself. Tool You Should...
Classic Lemon Cake
Sour-taste with a cup of tea spend the best holiday afternoon for a busy week. Tool You Should Prepared Bruch, non-stick loaf tin,...